About Gabi

Welcome to my website! I am thrilled to share with you the valuable work I do as an intuitive executive coach. With a wealth of experience and expertise, I specialize in guiding businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs on their professional journeys.

My coaching approach is unique, combining intuitive guidance with long-term professional mentoring. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive personal and professional development for my clients. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with numerous companies and executives, helping them overcome challenges, identify opportunities, and maximize their potential.

Through intuitive coaching, I assist individuals in uncovering their hidden strengths, addressing limiting beliefs, and tapping into their intuition to make sound decisions and achieve their desired outcomes. By integrating intuition into the coaching process, I believe individuals and companies can access their inner wisdom, make aligned decisions, and experience greater success and fulfillment.

In addition to coaching, my background includes extensive research and publications in the fields of coaching, mentorship, and entrepreneurship. With an academic foundation in IMER (international migration and ethnic relations) and a specialization in coaching, mentorship, entrepreneurs, and start-ups, I possess a deep understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics faced by entrepreneurs and executives.

By combining my academic knowledge with my intuitive abilities, I offer a fresh perspective and approach to coaching. My goal is to provide a transformative coaching experience that goes beyond traditional methods. With me as your coach, you will benefit from my extensive experience, understanding of the entrepreneurial journey, and the ability to tap into intuitive insights.

I invite companies, executives, and entrepreneurs to reach out and explore how my intuitive executive coaching can support their growth, enhance their decision-making, and unlock their full potential. Together, we can create a path to success and fulfillment in both personal and professional lives.

I look forward to connecting with you and embarking on this transformative journey together!

Get in touch with your wishes, perhaps they can come true soon: hi@gabigal.com

Check Gabi’s books and EMC2 (the energy master course, a self-leadership and intuitive program you can access right away)

You can also order some of the books in print on Amazon here